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23 Global Talent Acquisition Statistics for 2023

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When you’re trying to manage a talent acquisition team, keeping up with hiring trends can feel like another full-time job. The good news is that people at companies like LinkedIn, Randstad, Aptitude Research, KPMG, and Accenture have full-time jobs fielding studies and publishing research. To save you the time of reading the reports and figuring out what’s most important, we reviewed the latest research and gathered 23 statistics from studies published in the first half of 2023. Let’s take it away—and tell you our takeaways.

Talent acquisition’s seat at the table

Takeaway: With more TA leaders than ever claiming a seat at the table, they must stay abreast of trends to keep generating value for the business by hiring the right people who can build the company’s future.

Need for cost efficiency & agility

Takeaway: With flat to declining budgets, companies must invest in technology that helps enable agility.

Tech consolidation on the horizon

Takeaway: Companies that invest in solutions that consolidate functionality are ahead of the game.

Automation & AI

Takeaway: Automation and AI are the future, and companies that invest in them will have a leg up on competitors.

Linking employer brand, candidate experience, and ROI

Takeaway: Employer branding and recruitment marketing are no longer nice-to-haves but must-haves. Those who aren’t investing in these talent attraction strategies will be left behind.

Takeaway: Despite investing in recruitment marketing and new HR technologies, companies need help determining ROI. They need systems that can help them do so.

Data-driven hiring

Takeaway: While businesses are good at tracking operational metrics, there is an opportunity to track business-centric metrics to demonstrate the value of TA.

Trust at work

Takeaway: Trust is important in both candidate relationships and company-vendor relationships. 

Enterprise digital transformation

The wave of business transformation over the last several years has included an increase in digital investments that yielded positive effects.

Takeaway: Making investments in digital solutions generates ROI and improves productivity.

Learn the trends backing up the data

Undoubtedly, technology is helping companies adapt to this new world of recruiting. Key challenges in the coming years will be deciding which technologies to deploy, which ones to sunset, and how to keep people using them in ways that truly deliver business value. If you’re intrigued by what you read here, there’s more. 

These stats are just snippets from our latest eBook, Global Hiring Trends 2023: How Talent Acquisition Can Adapt and Thrive in 2023 and Beyond.

Download it today to learn more about six key trends with insights from 14 hiring experts. You’ll also receive five checklists to help you make better technology decisions.

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